HW 1, associated data | solutions (due 4/22)
HW 2 (due 5/8)
HW 3 (due 5/23)
HW 4 (due 6/6)
Final project handout (due last two weeks of class)
Homework policies
General homework policies:- Homeworks assignments are posted on this website. Homework is due at the beginning of class on the indicated date.
- All homeworks must either be typed or written in legible handwriting. You will lose points for illegible homework.
- Homeworks must be handed in as a hard copy unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor or TAs.
- Mathematical expressions must be clearly presented with all variables defined.
- The logic and significance of the results in your homeworks must be discussed in clear English.
- Any code you wrote for calculations must be included in the homework you turn in.
Late policy: No late homework will be accepted with two exceptions. For ONE Of homeworks 1, 2, or 3, you get a free extension from the due date (a Tuesday) to the following Friday. Use this extension wisely. Exensions without penalty will be granted if you have a note from a dean or health care provider.
Collaboration policy: You are encouraged to discuss the homework with your classmates, but your explanations and derivations must be your own.